The Bowie VFD RS, Inc. does not and never will solicit donations by telephone. We never call and ask you to tape your donation to your door for pick-up. We conduct two major fund-raising events, a door-to-door Photo Fund Drive in the spring and a Mail Fund Drive in the fall. If you have any questions about our fundraisers, please phone our office at 301-809-0122. Thank you for your support!
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Feb 22, 2025
Passing of Life Member Jeff Nigro
By Bowie VFD
March 5, 2024
The Bowie VFD regrets to announce the passing of life member Jeffrey Nigro. Jeff, having earned his life member status in 2018, was an auxiliary member who always wanted to do what he could to help with the mission of the department. Whether it be through his leadership as chair of the fundraising committee, or teaching at community events, Jeff always wanted to help. He was a friend to all and will be missed.